What does it mean to be a leader? Does it mean people will follow you, that you should stand up, be different than everyone else? Does it mean that you will stand up and face adversity in times of hardships? These are all obvious qualities when it comes to leading others, but there are other qualities, and different ways to lead.
Sometimes leaders are easy to spot because they are in the spotlight. The captain of the football team, the manager of a business, the President of the United States. These individuals have been selected to their positions based on their discernment, and ability to influence others. Sometimes, however, leaders are a little harder to see. If we look at Christs examples of leadership, it's not taking the number one role, and standing out in a crowd. Jesus was a great leader because he put others first. He lived his life to serve. This is such a simple concept to think about, yet it is extremely hard to do sometimes. When someone cuts us off in traffic, or is slow giving us our lattes, or makes fun of our weirditudes.
WEIRDITUDE - (wi-erdi-tudz^)
noun 1. an outlook on life that may be considered strange by others, and make them feel uncomfortable. 2. A completely made up word that makes no sense what so ever.
(plural) weirditudes
I recently listened to a lecture by Donald Miller where he gave these examples, and how is roommate dealt with similar situations. He feels anger, just like everyone else, but he deals with it by repeating to himself, "You are more important than me." That is a weirditude, and is extremely hard to do, but by doing this you are serving others. Putting other people above yourself is what serving is about.
Taking the lesser seat is being a leader. Humility is a trait everyone can use. I heard a story in which Jesus is talking about taking the lesser seat. If you take the role of being the guest of honor, then you may be asked to step down, and will be embarrassed. If you take the lesser seat, you may be asked to step forward. Now, which is more gratifying, stepping forward, or backward? I, for one, would rather step forward. You may know that you can do something better than someone else, but that doesn't mean you take over and steal the spotlight. If it's God's will that you're in the position, then you will be asked to come forward.
How does this have anything to do with serving other people and leading? Well, first of all, lead by example. Know that at all times, someone else is watching you, and that someone looks towards you for guidance. Show them your humility, and that serving others makes the world a better place. Giving selflessly to others is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. I say receive because even though we are giving, we receive the awesome power of Christs love. That feeling of making someones life better by selflessly giving our own. This is what Christ did for all of mankind. Wow, think about that. Whenever we are called to serve, and we have selfish thoughts about what we want, just think, "Christ gave his life for us, and made the ultimate sacrifice." Everything else seems petty.
Secondly, another characteristic of a good leader is not just to lead others in times of strife, but to pass their wisdom onto others. A leader doesn't horde his knowledge. A leader doesn't care that others may be able to be in the same position he or she is in. A leader strives to help others grow as individuals, and enjoys seeing them mature and even sometimes surpass their own abilities. When I think about mentoring my children, or my grandchildren, I get excited, and think about the wonderful things they will be able to do, and how they can change the world, and what a beautiful thing it is that God allows man to continue to grow, and create, and learn. Teaching others your abilities, and strengths is serving them, and therefore leading them.
For one day, try and put others above yourself. When someone makes you angry, just say, you are more important than me. When your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, parent, or friend goes on about something you may not be too interested in, serve them by listening. Put them above yourself. I guarantee you will see a change in your life.
Thanks for reading.